Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Charles meets barack

This is kinda touching, one week to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Disney Vacation 2008

I made a video with the pictures taken during my trip. Check it out.

i loled irl

Watch more CS Source Videos

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Day 2

Originally uploaded by livewyre718
This day was highlighted by an awesome trip to Animal Kingdom. I got some top notch shots on the Safari. Feel free to follow the link and see the rest of the pictures.

Disney Day 1

Originally uploaded by livewyre718
Here's the flicks from my first two days in Disney World. I got some really great shots and the rest are here

Friday, August 29, 2008

Obama/Biden '08

I almost cried

I was almost happier when I saw this though

Monday, August 18, 2008

2 thumbs in some direction

Originally uploaded by livewyre718
This was my first trip to Buffalo or Kenmore, whatever the hell you call it. Had a blast. Now that i step back and look through my photo stream, I'm intoxicated in every set. I don't know if that means I have a problem????

As always you can click the link to see the rest of the shots.

Shout of to Heidi we definitely need to have a conversation.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Crabfest '08

Originally uploaded by livewyre718
Here we are going to the crab fest. Everyone had a great time.

You can check the rest of the flicks out here

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Splish Splash

Splish Splash
Originally uploaded by livewyre718
We hit up Splish Splash over the weekend here are a few shots
You can check out the rest right here.

mike still has it.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Ducks First Birthday

Today was my newfews first birthday party. Everyone came out to celebrate and had a great time. You can check out the rest of the flicks here

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Me and Wifey

Originally uploaded by livewyre718
Our cookout was definitely jumping off.
You can check out the rest of the pictures here

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Family Video

Last Mother's Day I made a video for my mother using pictures which were taken mostly by my grandmother. Anyone who knew my grandmother, knew how much of a shutterbug she was. So I'm working for another one my cousin asked me to make current, but thought I'd share my original here.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Yes We Can

Big week for the US. Obama finally pulled it out. I know I'm a lil late wit this pic, but hey beter late than never.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

me and cook3

me and cook3
Originally uploaded by livewyre718
Me and the future Ms Gibbs.


Originally uploaded by livewyre718
Chillin in my b-boy stance.

three the hardway

three the hardway
Originally uploaded by livewyre718
Three the hard way.

big c

big c
Originally uploaded by livewyre718
Big C wit the lean.


Originally uploaded by livewyre718
Cj getting it in grown man style.

First one out

Sup everybody, figured I'd try this blog thang out and see how it is. I guess It'll be a good place to keep track of whats going on with me and my life. I'm getting married so that will be a a big topic on here. Also photography is my new hobby, so I'll try to get some intresting shots. Guess thats it for now. ~1~